Have you ever noticed a high number of dark skin African Americans(especially women) in the media? Most likely you have not, this is why...
In our society many African Americans are not seen in the media. However, the people who are light skin are viewed as closer to being white and are seen more often in the media than dark skin. For example news broadcasting is more "white washed" but if you do see African Americans they are of light skin;and it seems as though if producers have to place African Americans on television they rather see black people that are beautiful and could possibly "pass".
Rapper Cassidy states " Light skin girls from the beginning of time got more respect than dark skin girls. Light skin girls are closer to white girls, the white race has always been in power in this country or in the world period."
On the Tyra Banks show, a young lady who is half white, half black explains why she would rather identify with her white side and not acknowledge her black identity.
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