ABC News had a special on Black Successful Women, but it couldn't just be about these Black women's success instead it was about their inability to find a Black male. The special made it clear that 42% of Black successful women are single. Instead of talking about the women success, this broadcast was showing everything that was wrong with the Black male population. The most shocking was how much statistics they went through to show that "only half of Black men are eligible to pop the question" the reason this is shocking is because this news cast made it seem as though the criteria they find fitting for "an eligible man to pop the question" is the standard everyone should follow.
It also seems as though because these women are successful they are in a sense dangerous, because some fear the idea of Black people being successful. In the ABC broadcast their success was put down by showing that these women may be successful in their work but they are not successful in finding a mate.
Notice that instead of changing the way African Americans are viewed in the media and talking about the success of Black people, watch how it flips into talking about the men who are lacking and the successful women who are missing out on a relationship.
Smh. We can never caught a break. I'm young black women about to graduate college. My goal is to attend medical school and trust me I am not going to let something like this hold me back. And in their defense, there are quite a few black men out there trying just as hard as I am. America would see this if someone actually took the time to notice them, but like you said successful black people are a "threat". Smha